Approval Processes

Included here is comprehensive information on Lake Villa annexation, development approval and zoning processes.  Also include is a comprehensive list of development requirements for the Village of Lake Villa. 

Zoning Relief Application. 

Application for a variance or conditional use permit or other zoning relief.

Zoning Map.

 Subdivision Standards.

This section lists the standards for public improvements such as water and sewer mains, sidewalks, streets, storm sewers, and meters.

Common Fees.

This section list common fees for annexations, zoning or plan commission hearings, variances, conditional uses, connection fees and meters.

Architectural Design Standards.

This section provides a description of the Village’s architectural design standards by zoning district or special overlay district.This section provides the scoring sheet used to score a residential or commercial project.

Sign Code 

This section includes the Village’s adopted sign code standards.  This section includes a summary of the sign code.  This section includes a sign code permit.

Village Code

Link to the Village code.

 Zoning Code

Link to the Village's Zoning Code.

Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance. 

Link to the Lake County watershed Development Ordinance


This section includes the Village’s requirements for aerators in retention ponds.

Parks and Recreation Land Dedication Requirements.  

This section includes the requirements for the dedication of park and recreation land or cash in lieu of park land.

Building Regulations 

Enclosed is Title 8 of the Village code that establishes the Village’s building regulations.  Village Code section 8-1-1 adopts the 2012 International Building Code effective February 14, 2018 per Ordinance No. 2018-02-01.

Planned Development Process

Enclosed is Ordinance 2016-11-02, amending various chapters of the Village Code regarding the Planned Development Process.

Summary of Planned Development Process

Enclosed is a summary of the Planned Development process and the required documents associated with this process.

Approval Processes

Enclosed is a document summarizing the Village’s approval process for annexations, and various zoning relief items

Summary Planned Development Process

Tree Preservation Ordinance

Enclosed is Section 5-1-4:1 of the Village Code regarding trees and woodland protection.

Petition for Annexation

Building Permit Fees

Building Permit fees schedule is established in the enclosed Resolution 2011-04-02.

Escrow Agreement

Agreement for the establishment of escrows and ordinance.





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